Crop, Animal and Fisheries


·            Increase agricultural production and productivity by provision and increasing access to seed / stock of coffee, maize, beans,  citrus,  heifers, fish fingerlings, cassava cuttings, banana suckers and other assorted seed / stock; maintenance of the district demonstration / multiplication gardens in addition to farmer trainings (including women and youth) on improved agricultural practices. 

·            provision of pesticides, antifungals, knapsack sprayers, bee hives, honey harvesting gear and other assorted inputs to all categories of farmers.

·            encouraging and promoting access to mechanization of agriculture by all commercializing farmers regardless of sex.

·             encouraging commercialization of agriculture and value addition industry especially by the use of the private-public-partnership (P-P-P).

·            Contribute to revenue collection in the HLG and LLGs by taking inventory of agro-traders and identifying new viable sources of local agricultural revenue in order to improve on service delivery to all.

·            Improve the Private Sector competitiveness by identifying opportunities and encouraging private sector investment to increase incomes and wellbeing for all.

·            Increase market access for agricultural products and services in regional and international markets by encouraging value addition, formation and growth of cooperatives, bulking for marketing and dissemination of market information to increase on incomes and wellbeing of the people as well as reduce on the economic inequalities within and outside the district.

·            Improve on the functionality, access to and utilization of existing water for production facilities by all by formation of water user committees for the facilities.

·            Ensure veterinary public health for all by controlling zoonoses through construction of a slaughter slab and stock / meat inspection, procurement and deployment of tsetse traps, and vaccination against notifiable diseases of animals.

·            Secure department assets in order to improve on and ensure sustainability of efficient and effective service delivery for all.

·            Enforce agriculture related laws and ensure sustainability of compliance to them at all places through regular lake patrols, check points and inspection visits on farm units and produce buyers’ stores.

·            Support the establishment of village banks (SACCOs), promote saving culture and support access to agricultural finance services by all in order to promote well-being for all at all ages.

